Thanburudhoo Cleanup

Thanburudhoo Cleanup

Thanburudhoo Cleanup 800 533 Save Our Waves Maldives

Executive Summary:

The Thanburudhoo Clean-Up Campaign, held on January 10, 2021, orchestrated by Save Our Waves, was an immensely successful endeavor, symbolizing the commitment of various stakeholders to combat plastic pollution on Thanburudhoo Island. While not accompanied by a public address from President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, the event saw remarkable collaboration, contributing to the island’s protection. This report outlines the key activities, outcomes, and unique features of the campaign.

Event Overview:

  • Date: January 10, 2021
  • Organizer: Save Our Waves
  • Participants: National Boating Association of Maldives, Atoll Adventures, Voyages Maldives, Raalhu Edhuru, MNDF, Locals from Malé City.
  • Objective: To address plastic pollution on Thanburudhoo Island and enhance environmental awareness.

Key Activities:

  1. Beach Clean-Up: Participants engaged in a thorough cleaning of the beach, removing plastic waste and debris to restore the natural beauty of Thanburudhoo Island.
  2. Collaborative Efforts: The diverse group of participants, including environmental organizations, adventure groups, and local communities, collaborated seamlessly, showcasing a collective dedication to environmental stewardship.
  3. Protection Measures: Visitors are restricted from accessing the island without explicit permission from the Environment Ministry, ensuring a controlled and environmentally sustainable approach.
  4. MNDF Oversight: The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) played a crucial role in overseeing the island, ensuring the implementation of protection measures and environmental conservation efforts.

Outcomes and Achievements:

  1. Protected Area Status: While President Solih did not present during the event, subsequent actions led to the extension of the protected area, underlining the government’s commitment to environmental preservation.
  2. Successful Collaboration: The campaign’s success lies in the efficient collaboration between diverse stakeholders, promoting a sense of shared responsibility for the environment.
  3. Controlled Access: The restriction on visitors without explicit permission contributes to preserving the delicate ecosystem of Thanburudhoo Island.

Unique Features:

  1. Restricted Access: Thanburudhoo Island can only be visited with permission from the Environment Ministry, ensuring controlled and responsible tourism.
  2. MNDF Oversight: The active involvement of MNDF adds an extra layer of security, ensuring adherence to protection measures and environmental regulations.


The Thanburudhoo Clean-Up Campaign, held on January 10, 2021, stands as a testament to the collective efforts of various stakeholders in preserving the ecological integrity of the Maldives. While the event did not garner widespread media attention, its success lies in the impactful collaboration, subsequent protection measures, and the commitment to responsible environmental practices. The unique features, such as restricted access and MNDF oversight, highlight a conscientious approach towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of Thanburudhoo Island. This event serves as a model for future conservation initiatives in the region.