Explore the untapped potential of impactful collaborations


Embark on a journey with Save Our Waves to explore the untapped potential of impactful collaborations. While we may not have a historical partnership program, we present you with a unique opportunity to join hands and build a legacy of meaningful partnerships.

At Save Our Waves, we believe in the strength of unity, and your brand, corporation, or small business can be a driving force in our mission to protect the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches for all. Our approach involves customizing partnerships tailored to your values, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship that leaves a lasting positive impact.

Let’s create a partnership that not only aligns with our shared vision but also propels us towards a future where our oceans thrive. Connect with us to explore the endless possibilities of collaboration!

Fill out this form to submit your partnerships inquiry.

Partnership Opportunities

Programmatic Impact Sponsorship

Designed for partners directing donations to specific national programs, initiatives, or campaigns. Collaborate with our team to align your goals with our mission, fostering measurable impacts, volunteer activities, and collaborative promotions.

Regional Support

Tailored for partners aiming to protect specific coastal stretches at a city, state, or regional level. Support our local chapter network’s ongoing efforts to defend against threats and proactively preserve coastal communities.

Collaborative Product | Licensing

Engage in collaborative product partnerships, assessed based on sustainability, brand alignment, and distribution. Use of Save Our Waves trademarks for commercial purposes requires completion of a license agreement. Commercial or licensing agreement parties receive specific brand guidelines for logo and graphic usage, ensuring alignment with trademark terms.

3rd Party Events | Cause Marketing

Engage in impactful, short-term cause-related programs and special events for integrated marketing aligned with Save Our Waves’ brand. Benefit from access to a loyal audience, promoting your event or company while raising public awareness and funding for Save Our Waves’ mission. Collaborate with Save Our Waves to establish sustainability goals or messaging, with potential recognition on Save Our Waves’ channels based on the partnership scope. Save Our Waves has been a beneficiary of concerts, music festivals, sporting events, and successful campaigns.

Special Event Sponsorship

Support Save Our Waves’ annual special events such as One Ocean, Thousand Islands fundraisers, Island Conferences every year. Sponsorship levels include pre and post-event communication recognition, press release and promotions acknowledgment, on-site branding opportunities, sponsor tickets, and potential additional activation and recognition beyond the event, depending on the sponsorship level.

Outside of our official corporate partnerships program, there are additional ways to support Save Our Waves!

How can I support Save Our Waves?

In-Kind Product Donation

Experience the joy of giving by supporting Save Our Waves with in-kind product donations! Your contributions can fuel our fundraising efforts, inspire our dedicated chapter leaders, retain our passionate volunteers, and even help us save on essential costs. Every donation will be met with gratitude and acknowledged with an official receipt.

At Save Our Waves, we don’t just welcome donations; we celebrate them! Your generosity helps us make a significant impact, and we appreciate every gesture that strengthens our mission.

Make A Donation

For a seamless way to contribute, consider making a monetary donation. Your support goes a long way in our ocean conservation journey. Rest assured, all donations are tax-deductible, officially receipted, and proudly recognized in Save Our Waves’ Annual Report—unless, of course, you prefer to remain anonymous.

Making a difference has never been this easy! Dive into the spirit of giving, and let’s create ripples together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Considering a collaboration with Save Our Waves? Here are our policies to ensure a harmonious partnership:

Can I feature Save Our Waves on my website without a partnership?

No. In maintaining the integrity of our partnerships and out of respect for our current collaborators, using the Save Our Waves name or marks in reference to a partnership, proceeds donation, collaborative product, or any commercial program requires explicit approval.

Can I tag Save Our Waves on social media to highlight my donation?

Any promotion mentioning commercial or monetary support for Save Our Waves, along with tagging our organization, must undergo a review and approval process by Save Our Waves.

What measurable impacts can I highlight in association with my donation to Save Our Waves?

For brands, corporations, or small businesses making a donation to Save Our Waves outside of an official and contracted partnership, the use of custom measurable impacts to describe support for a specific mission area, for promotional or commercial purposes, is not permitted. Specific measurable impacts are exclusively reserved for official corporate partnerships and grants, ensuring our ability to authentically measure and report on the impact of your donation.

Donors are allowed to use the following language: “[COMPANY NAME] proudly made a donation in support of Save Our Waves’ mission to protect our ocean waves and beaches.”

Will Save Our Waves promote my products or business?

Save Our Waves refrains from endorsing or promoting in-kind donated products or services. However, we do engage in collaborative product promotions, and your collaboration may be acknowledged in our marketing.

How do I organize a corporate beach cleanup?

Submit your inquiry, including company details, intended cleanup location, approximate date, audience, and whether it’s private or public. Note that corporate cleanups require a fee payable to Save Our Waves.

How do I inquire about an opportunity not listed above?

For inquiries beyond the listed models, email: Include details about your company and how you’d like to get involved. Please provide comprehensive information, as incomplete inquiries will be directed back to this page due to our limited capacity to respond uniquely to the numerous daily inquiries.